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MONUSCO police officers have donated agricultural inputs to women market gardeners in Uvira

Female MONUSCO police officers, RFUM Uvira, interact with women farmers in Rugenge (northern outskirts of the city of Uvira) after a sensitization session on the protection of civilians and women's empowerment. Photo MONUSCO\Fiston Ngoma

In the South Kivu province, UNPOL women's network of MONUSCO (RFUM) proceeded Friday, October 29, 2021 to the donation of a large batch of inputs for market gardening to 60 women members of the association of market gardening women in Rugenge neighborhood, Uvira. The activity aims to support their empowerment process.

The in-kind donation made consisted of 50 kg of chemical fertilizer, 25 kg of amaranth seeds, 100 kg of the seeds of beans, boxes of insect-killers and a sprayer. For UNPOL women, the objective is to "boost the agricultural activities of these vulnerable women".

“We were touched to meet, for the first time, these women who struggle day and night to cater to the needs of their families, especially in doing market gardening work. We had raised the problem with the leader of our association. That is what we have reaped today as a result,” explained the head of the UNPOL Women's Network in Uvira, Mariam Sawadogo Romba.

“Agriculture used to be for men. But with gender mainstreaming, the women as much as they discharge their marital responsibility, they can also carry out other activities to assert their independence ", she further said.

This support is the fruit of a voluntary contribution from UNPOL women who are determined to "assist their Congolese sisters".

The leader of the women market gardeners, Kipenda Kasindi, expressed gratitude to the RFUM women members for this support. “We expressed our need and the UNPOL women responded positively. Thank you very much for this network. Continue to assist the women because they are suffering cruelly,” she said.

The sixty women market gardeners do vegetable gardening with different products, the main one being the amaranth.

“This donation will help us fight malnutrition. Through this market gardening, our children are in good health. We encourage the female police officers to keep on,” she said.

A few days earlier, on October 22, 2021, MONUSCO's UNPOL Women's Network had organized a tapestry training for vulnerable women and people with disabilities.

During these activities, UNPOL policewomen also raised these vulnerable women’s awareness of the UN Mission’s work for civilians’ protection.