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Indian peacekeepers honour World War martyrs in Beirut cemetery

On the occasion of the Indian Army Day, UNIFIL’s Indian Battalion (IndBatt) organized a solemn memorial service at the Commonwealth War Cemetery in Beirut to honour the Indian soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice during World War I and World War II.    Ambassador of India to Lebanon, Sanjiv Arora, was the guest of honour on the occasion. The ceremony was also attended by Ambassadors, Honorary Consulate Generals and Defence Attachés of commonwealth countries and representatives of UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF).    During the ceremony wreaths were laid jointly by Mr. Arora, Commander of the Indian Battalion, Colonel Santosh Kumar Tripathi, and the LAF representative, Brigadier General Imad Abou Imad.    This was followed by Last Post and salute by the special guard to the martyrs. Mr. Arora said that this day is commemorated for all Indian soldiers who sacrificed their lives to ensure we live in peace and prosperity.