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Homage to fallen Pakistani Blue Helmet in Goma

MONUSCO Deputy Force Commander Major General Bernard Commins, has paid Homage to the fallen Pakistan Soldier (N.K)/Corporal MUHAMMAD NAEEM RAZA who was killed on the 27 January 2018 in an ambush in South Kivu by an illegal Mai Mai armed group in a very solemn ceremony which took place at the MONUSCO Air Terminal of the Goma International Airport on the 30 of January 2018.

Speaking to the  Press in Goma  the Deputy Force Commander used the occasion to express on behalf of MONUSCO his  heart felt condolence to the wife and children of the deceased in particular and  the Pakistani Army in General in a situation he described as “irrevocable”.

General Commins added that the death of the Pakistan Blue Helmet will not in any way discourage the Mission in the fight to neutralize the illegal armed groups in area, adding that MONUSCO Force  is determined  to continue to  carry out their mandate of protecting civilians and  the environment .

The brief but important ceremony was attended by the Force Chief of Staff, the Central Sector Commander, Force Head Quarters Officers MONUSCO Civilian Staff and representatives of other Contingents including the Indian and Uruguayan Battalion.

After paying homage to the fallen hero the mortal remains of   late Corporal MUHAMMAD NAEEM  RAZA were  conveyed to his home Country  Pakistan via Entebbe .

 It should be noted however that Late Corporal MUHAMMAD NAEEM RAZA belonged to the Punjab Province in Pakistan. He joined MONUSCO in May 2017 after serving in the Pakistani Army for about 10 Years. He leaves behind a wife and 4 children to morn his death. May his soul rest in Peace.

Martha Biongo   SCPID -Goma