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Commemoration of International Women’s Day 2018 in Goma

Goma, march the 8th 2018 – MONUSCO Strategic Communications and Public Information Section has organized a debate on 08 March  2018 on the role of the media in the advancement of women  as part of activities to commemorate  the International  Women's Day in  Goma.

The debate brought together mostly  Journalists,  members of the  Civil society, Political leaders,  MONUSCO staff from different sections, Socio-Political actors and the representatives of the army. It was  co-chaired by the acting Head of Office  MONUSCO Goma, Mr. Abdouraman Diacko  and the representative of the Speaker of North Kivu Provincial Assembly  Jean-Bosco Sebishimbo Rubuga who represented his president.

In his welcome speech before the beginning of the debate SCPID  Goma Section Chief Amadou Ba  said that the celebration  of women’s Day is  an opportunity to reflect together on the challenges that are needed to improve on the conditions of women in the DRC.

‘We should not lose sight of the fact that this day was created at the beginning of the 20th century in a militant perspective. It is an opportunity to reaffirm the importance of the fight against women's rights and also pay homage to the struggles for the social and political recognition of women he aded”

International Women's  Day is also an occasion to recall and show the will of the United Nations to promote gender equality and expand skills and action.

 “We need to increase the representation of women, not in a purely symbolic way, but systematically and effectively”.

Women must hold decision-making positions at all levels in national, regional and international institutions and mechanisms for conflict prevention and resolution.

Amadou Ba exhorted the media to play  a vital role  in supporting public and private institutions as well as civil society to overcome the obstacles that hinder the advancement of women.

Hence the choice of the theme of reflection of today” the role of the media in the  promotion of women in which Sy Koumbo Head of Radio Okapi Goma and Rosalie Zawadi  Journalist of Radio Okapi and President of  UNPC North Kivu based their presentation and debate.

The acting Head of Office  Abdouraman Diacko   acknowledged the fact that women are very enduring and resourceful since they carry out their official duties and home chores as mothers and wives and therefore need to be encouraged to occupy design making positions in government and the society. They should therefore move from being considered as “Objects to Subjects” he added.

In the same vain the representative of the North Kivu provincial Assembly said that women’s rights are enshrined in the  legislative and Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Congo in a bid to continue to improve on the rights of women and parity.

Other speakers included Adama Ndao  MONUSCO  head of the Conduct and Discipline Team and the head of Gender  Ernst Lucceus who both  intervened  calling  on all to accompany women in the struggle for the promotion of the rights  of women and parity.

There after the  first presentation by Sy Koumbo focused on the contribution of the United Nations in the promotion of women through the media, while the second  debate by Rosalie Zawadi  emphasized  on the social constraints that prevent women from emerging in African societies.

All stakeholders recognized the importance of this debate and asked that awareness be raised at all levels to get women out of their shackles and invest all sectors of Socio-Poilitico-economic life. And for that, the support of the media is necessary, they said.”

During the questions and answers  that followed after the presentation participants gave their input which enriched the debate. They requested that more of such forums be organized by SCPID  on other themes subsequently.