Welcome to the United Nations

Portrait of Franck NZOLANI MAVAMBU

Is there anyone in the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) who can say he or she doesn’t know Franck Nzolani Mavambu? No, no, no, don’t raise your hand for this would mean you have never taken part in any of the compulsory training sessions that UN staff are supposed to undergo. Let me put the same question again: who does not know Franck? No hand has been raised! So, I am not exaggerating when I say that, at least during the training on UMOJA (this complex monster that we lose sleep over), everyone saw Mr. Mavambu, ( yes, one refers to a teacher as Sir, please) spreading himself too thinly, trying hard to communicate to our exhausted brains the basics of the practical handbook on the new operation of the UN Administration. Let Franck take us through his function and role within the Integrated Mission TrainingCenter (IMTC) ‘’I have been working as Senior Training Officer for 14 years. My job consists in organizing training courses for the UN Peacekeeping Mission staff in DRC as well as for the staff in other UN Missions. This job made me to travel to different Missions’ locations including UN Offices.’’

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