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ITURI: MONUSCO condemns the heinous crimes committed in the territory of Djugu and continues to provide support to FARDC

Cecilia PIAZZA, MONUSCO Chief of Office in Ituri, RDC.

Djugu Territory is going through a very difficult situation. Attackers are looting civilian properties, killing innocent people, torching houses and shops, attacking defence and security forces, including MONUSCO peacekeepers. MONUSCO condemns such heinous crimes and the Mission’s Chief of Office in Ituri, Cecilia PIAZZA, "has expressed her deepest sympathy with the victims and affected families".


Radio Okapi: What is MONUSCO’s reading of the current security situation prevailing in Djugu territory?

 Cecilia PIAZZA: The territory of Djugu continues to go through a very difficult situation. Attackers loot civilian properties, kill innocent people, burn down houses and shops, attack defence and security forces, including MONUSCO peacekeepers. We condemn these heinous crimes committed in Djugu and express our deepest sympathy to the victims and affected families. These serious abuses undermine the efforts made by the Government and MONUSCO to stop violence and to restore stabilization to this territory.

RADIO OKAPI: What are the peacekeepers doing concretely to protect civilians in this territory where, despite MONUSCO’s presence, civilians continue to have their throats slit and entire villages continue to see their populations fleeing?

 Cecilia PIAZZA: MONUSCO continues to carry out its actions in accordance with its mandate, despite the current context characterized by major health crisis. MONUSCO supports Congolese authorities.

It has been in Djugu since the beginning of the crisis, the population in Djugu are aware of this, we have been working tirelessly to protect civilians, particularly the internally displaced, and have taken many actions with community leaders to address the violence.

 RADIO OKAPI: Some opinions, in particular the civil society, believe that MONUSCO is not playing its role, to reduce the violence from the armed group known as CODECO against the population.

 Cecilia PIAZZA: MONUSCO is working actively in Ituri: It deployed a robust patrol to Djugu center last Friday when it received report of an imminent attack by the attackers on Djugu center, it launched an air patrol and reconnaissance operation over the RN 27, it shares the information gathered with its partners, not to mention the joint air patrols conducted from times to times with FARDC – such was the case last Saturday. I have been hearing requests for direct actions against the attackers; MONUSCO cannot replace the Congolese government, it can only support it within its means available and in accordance with its mandate.