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Beni: MONUSCO Funds a Public Lighting System as Part of the Efforts to Fight Insecurity

Beni: Beni: MONUSCO Funds a Public Lighting System as Part of the Efforts to Fight Insecurity Photo Monusco/Michael Ali

MONUSCO inaugurated a public lighting system a few days ago in Mavivi, ​​the territory of Beni. This solar energy-powered lighting system provides lighting for the road section between Mavivi referral health center and the main road. The cost of this Quick Impact Project (Qips) is approximately US$38,000.

The beneficiaries of this project, in particular the medical staff of the referral center, the local authorities and population applauded the Mission’s action. For them, this lighting system will help to fight insecurity. "Acts of violence were perpetrated against civilian population due to lack of lighting system on this road," said one of the officials of Mavivi referral health center.

On official visit to Beni, the Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in the DRC, also raised the importance of this project, one of whose objectives being to fight insecurity. Khassim Diagne explained “Police force’s interventions in this area will now be facilitated thanks to the public lighting”.

This statement by the Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in the DRC was backed by that of the Chief Medical Officer of Oicha health zone. Doctor Sadraka Kambale highlighted that movements and evacuations of the sick people during the night will now be done without any problem.

The health center is located far from Mavivi village. The absence of public lighting created pockets of darkness, conducive to insecurity. “This health facility receives all categories of people in need of medical help, even at night. As the hospital is located far from the village, the lack of public lighting was a major handicap for the reception and care of patients at night, ”said the doctor.

A total of 28 streetlights were installed over a distance of 500 meters.

The chief of Beni-Mbau sector also said he is satisfied with the project. Remy Lumande welcomed the initiative and encouraged MONUSCO to organize and fund several other projects in the area to improve the security situation. "This project is life-saving, because bandits were taking advantage of the darkness to commit malicious actions against the sick people", said the traditional chief.

According to the chief medical doctor of the Oicha health zone, roughly 30,000 people live in Mavivi village. This referral health center is the major health facility where the population receive medical care.