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UNFICYP completes autumn troop rotation

NICOSIA, 10 October 2017 - Through August and September, UNFICYP underwent its regular bi-annual rotation, during which the Force’s troop contributing countries rotate their contingents in Cyprus.

On 23 August, Argentina-led Sector 1, held a Transfer of Authority Ceremony at San Martin Camp, Sector HQ, where Lt. Col. Juan Pablo de la Vega was formally replaced by Lt. Col. Diego Ignacio Berra. The handover was formalized with the delivery of the Argentinian national flag to the flagman of the 50th Argentinean Contingent.

Next up was Slovak-led Sector 4; after a year as Sector 4 Commander, Lt. Col. Rudolf Estok officially handed over command of the Sector to Lt. Col. Jaroslav Marko and Hungarian Deputy Sector Commander, Lt. Col. Ferenc Kozula at a ceremony at the Sector’s headquarters, Camp General Stefanik, on 7 September. During the event, the new Sector Commander assured UNFICYP Force Commander Major General Mohammad Humayun Kabir of his determination to ensure the continuity of the high peacekeeping standards maintained by the outgoing troops.

Finally, on 28 September, 7 Regiment Royal Logistics Corps – who were led by Lt. Col. Steven Cornell for the duration of their tour – handed over the command of British-led Sector 2 to the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, headed by Sector Commanding Officer Lt. Col. Dom Coombes, during a ceremony at Ledra Palace Hotel.

General Humayun paid tribute to all departing contingents, thanking them for their contributions to UN peacekeeping efforts during their service in Cyprus, and wishing them success as they returned to their home countries. He also wished the new Sector Commanders and their troops patience and success as they dealt with the demanding operational environment of the UNFICYP mission.