Welcome to the United Nations

Portrait of Charlotte SONGUE PRISO

Mrs. Charlotte is the pride of her leadership who greatly appreciate her commitment to serve the most vulnerable people since she joined the United Nations system, 12 years ago.

She entered the system as a UN Volunteer and Human Rights Officer within the Human Rights Division, at the time when the UN Peacekeeping Mission in DRC was known as MONUC. It was exactly in February 2006. She was then based in Kisangani, currently named Tshopo province, where she coordinated for two years the National Access to Justice Program for the victims of sexual violence,    within    the     thematic     Unit ‘’ Transitional Justice and Fight against Impunity’’ ‘within the Human Rights

Office. This Unit was tasked to facilitate access to justice and other services (medical, psychosocial, socio-­‐economic) for the victims of gender-­‐based violence and armed conflicts. Did anything in Charlotte Songue suggest that one day she was going to work for MONUSCO Human Rights Office or was it just a stroke of luck? Her response is quite clear: ‘’ I was dreaming to study international relations when I was attending grammar school. After the university, I took a special interest in human rights, which led me to the United Nations, the best framework for promoting and protecting human rights, ‘’ she said, with a tinge of pride in her voice.

It would be right to some extent to say that human rights are a logical consequence for after completing her secondary studies in Douala (the second city of Cameroun where she was born), she studied Public Law at the University of Yaoundé (the political capital city of Cameroun) before travelling to France to study human rights at Nantes University.

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