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Portrait of Leila Bouchebouba Brodin

I will tell you one thing right away: I have never seen someone, put forth as a candidate for the "Portrait of the Month", who attracts so many testimonies on her. This means that either she is, as the singer would say, " GREAT”, or her colleagues are "GREAT" or they are all "GREAT". I would go for the latter, as far as I am concerned. Listen to this, coming from the Head of the Security Sector Reform (SSR) Division, Ely Dieng, who is naturally the first to testify, being the one who put Leila forward as "model staff member ":

« If I had to define Leila in one word, I would say “committed”.  Indeed she is committed to her daily work in the service of security sector reform generally, and particularly for the improvement of the security governance framework in the DRC.  She works with determination and conviction and she is always driven to search for appropriate solutions to the problems facing those whom we, as a Mission, are supposed to serve, namely the Congolese people. She takes things to heart and does not tolerate injustice and indifference. She speaks her mind and has a strong character. We work in tandem, and together we have quickly identified areas where we complement each other. Leila is a “fighter”.  

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