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Press releases

3 Oct 2020 | UN Headquarters
The signing of the Juba Peace Agreement signals the dawn of a new era for the people of Sudan. It is a milestone on the road to achieving sustainable peace and inclusive development.   I commend the signatories for working towards the common objective of peace, despite the difficulties posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. I also commend the Government of South Sudan for its role in facilitating the negotiations during these challenging circumstances.
1 Oct 2020 | UN Headquarters
The Secretary-General welcomes the announcements of an agreement to launch talks on the delineation of land and maritime boundaries between Lebanon and Israel, to be hosted by the United Nations at the premises of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) in Naqoura.   The Secretary-General acknowledges the sustained diplomatic efforts of the United States to facilitate this agreement.   The United Nations, through its representatives, will remain fully committed to supporting the process as requested by the parties and within its capacity and mandate.
1 Oct 2020 | UN Headquarters
[as delivered; scroll down for English version]
29 Sep 2020 | New York
The United Nations and the European Union signed an agreement today in the margins of the 75th session of the General Assembly to enhance cooperation and strengthen collective response in peace operations and crisis management.
25 Sep 2020 | UN Headquarters
Remarks by Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, on Sudan and South Sudan. Watch on UN Web TV
24 Sep 2020 | UN Headquarters
Fifteen years ago at the World Summit, at a pivotal moment in our common pursuit of peace, leaders from every region unanimously adopted the responsibility to protect.   Unable to prevent the horrific experiences of the previous decade, the world accepted the collective responsibility to do far more to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity, and their incitement.  
21 Sep 2020 | UN Headquarters
 [scroll down for French version] The International Day of Peace is devoted to urging warring parties everywhere to lay down their weapons and work for harmony.   As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the world, this call is more important than ever.  That is why I appealed for a global ceasefire in March.    Our world faces a common enemy:  a deadly virus that is causing immense suffering, destroying livelihoods, contributing to international tensions and exacerbating already formidable peace and security challenges.  
9 Sep 2020 | UN Headquarters
Remarks by Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), on Maintenance of International Peace and Security.
4 Sep 2020 | UN Headquarters
The Secretary-General welcomes the signing on 3 September of a joint agreement on principles by Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and the Chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North Abdelaziz Al-Hilu. He considers this agreement a positive step, especially in the context of the initialing of the peace agreement between the government, the Sudan Revolutionary Front and the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA)-Minni Minnawi faction earlier this week.