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Press releases

22 Nov 2010
Mr. President, 1. Thank you for the opportunity to update the Security Council on DPKO’s efforts to protect civilians in the eight missions in which we are currently mandated to do so, and more generally on the improvements that we have been endeavouring to make in the implementation of this challenging mandate.  
26 Oct 2010
Secretary-General Urges Security Council to Take Appropriate Steps to End Impunity, Prevent Brutality against Women and Girls in Conflict Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s video message to the Security Council’s open debate on women, peace and security, in New York, today, 26 October:   I welcome the opportunity to address this commemorative open debate.   I thank the President and the members of the Council for allowing me to participate by video.
22 Oct 2010
  Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects   Mr. Chairman, distinguished delegates,   I am honoured to address the Fourth Committee as it begins its consideration of the agenda item peacekeeping operations in all their aspects.  
22 Oct 2010
Statement Under-Secretary-General for Field Support Susana Malcorra Fourth Committee 22 October 2010 Agenda Item: Comprehensive review of the whole question of  peacekeeping operations in all their aspects     Mr. Chairman, distinguished delegates, 
13 Oct 2010
Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,   One of the most difficult and important tasks facing the United Nations is to ensure that nations emerging from devastating conflicts are not allowed to slide back into violence.   Building peace may sound straightforward, but we know from painful experience that it is not. Success requires patient, long-term commitments and the involvement of a wide range of actors, working together.  
4 Aug 2010
The Force Commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) began urgent tripartite talks today in south Lebanon with senior Lebanese and Israeli army representatives to address Tuesday’s border skirmish that killed at least four people, Alain Le Roy, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, said today at a Headquarters news conference.  
30 Jul 2010
With the General Assembly having just wrapped up talks on the Secretary-General’s sweeping proposals for transforming service delivery to United Nations peacekeeping missions, senior field support officials announced today that the world body was poised to approve a new, enhanced global system to match the global enterprise into which peacekeeping has evolved.
7 Jul 2010
Madam President, Distinguished members of the Security Council, Excellencies, I thank the Government of Nigeria for convening this debate, and I commend the Security Council for its continued engagement on the protection of civilians in armed conflict.   The willful targeting of civilians, disproportionate attacks, sexual violence, forced displacement and the denial of humanitarian access remain widespread in armed conflict, often carried out with impunity.  
22 Jun 2010
Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank the President of the General Assembly for organizing and scheduling this debate to mark the 10th anniversary of the Brahimi Report, a milestone in the evolution of United Nations peacekeeping operations.
22 Jun 2010
Mr President, distinguished members of the General Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the General Assembly for arranging this interactive debate on peacekeeping providing an opportunity to exchange views on the future of United Nations peacekeeping. It is an extremely valuable and timely debate marking the 10th anniversary of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations led by Mr Brahimi.