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Raising Awareness on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in the North Kivu Community

Raising Awareness on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in the North Kivu Community. Photo MONUSCO/Martha Biongo

The MONUSCO Conduct and Discipline Team (CDT) has organized a series of awareness-raising activities in the communities of North Kivu on the dangers of sexual abuse and exploitation by MONUSCO and UN staff in general. This community awareness was organized by the CDT office in North Kivu (Petit Nord) with the financial support of  the Department of Field Support  and the Department of Peace Keeping Operations (DFS / DPKO )with  the support of the MONUSCO Strategic Communications and Public Information Section in collaboration with  the  Goma  Youth Center (Maison des Jeunes de Goma) and the  Nyiragongo theater group .

The sensitization campaign on Awareness-Raising took place in Bujovu (on the outskirts of Goma) on 5 October, in Sake on 6 October and in the Higher Institute of Commerce (ISC) on Saturday 7 October.

During the campaign the actors of different troops were able to transmit their messages through sketches of theatrical performances, music and dance as well as series of questions and-answers sessions organized by the Conduct and Discipline Team. All the activities which were organized on the streets of these localities had an impressive popular participation of children, women, students, youths as well as men of all age groups and walks of life.

The key messages conveyed by the actors included amongst others that the United Nations, and MONUSCO in particularly, has its own internal justice system where investigation will   is carried out to prove if the staff was guilty or not.

Every UN official guilty of sexual exploitation and abuse after investigation will be punished by MONUSCO and may also face the Justice System of his country of origin stressing on the fact that the mission and that United Nation as a whole has a zero tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse committed by anyone working with MONUSCO and the United Nation as a whole.

Moreover MONUSCO Code of Conduct prohibits all National and International personnel from having any sexual intercourse with a child (a person under 18 years of age). Other unacceptable misconducts include any form of rape or attempted rape, sex with a prostitute and sexual relations in exchange for anything (good, service, money  by use  of intermediaries to obtain sexual favors.

The Population was encouraged to report promptly to the Conduct and Disciple Team any cases they had witnessed such an act committed by a MONUSCO employee. While victims and their relations were cautioned that they can also speak directly to MONUSCO or to the community Volunteer focal points there.

Reiterating to the Community to avoid false accusations that are unfounded with the sole purpose of harming MONUSCO or United Nation Staff members. It should be noted however that the Community mobilization was made possible thanks to the Committee of Community Focal Points in the fight against sexual exploitation and abuse put in place by the Conduct and Discipline Team in the various localities.

These committees play a key role in mobilizing and sensitizing communities to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse. They also serve as focal points in denouncing and caring of the victims of this scourge.Volunteers who also work on a voluntary basis play a vital role in the community because the population feels more comfortable reporting any form of violation committed by United Nations staff in general and MONUSCO in particular.

The question - and - answer session was very enriching as the participants who included children and adults better understood the messages of the artists'. The participants received gifts which included School bags, caps and cloth distributed by the Conduct and Discipline Team.

Jean Roger Kuate and Martha Biongo/Goma