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The 31 December 2016 agreement must be implemented in its entirety by the signatories with no further delay (UN SRSG)

Kinshasa, 1 July 2017 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Head of MONUSCO Maman Sidikou is closely following recent political developments in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and in particular the recent declarations made by key national stakeholders.

The Special Representative reminds all signatories of the 31 December 2016 Agreement of their obligation to fully and faithfully implement the Agreement in its entirety. 

The United Nations recalls that this Agreement remains the only viable and peaceful way through the current political crisis towards the organization of peaceful and credible elections. 

"I also wish to recall that the CENI holds the primary responsibility for the organization of the elections as provided for by the Constitution and the provisions of the 31 December 2016 Agreement. I therefore call on the CENI to publish, without any further delay, an official and consensual calendar for the organization of these elections," said Maman Sidikou.

The Special Representative calls on the Government of the DRC to ensure the full and prompt implementation of the confidence-building measures provided for in the 31 December 2016 Agreement, which are required to create conditions conducive to the organization of elections.

“These confidence-building measures are essential to promoting a meaningful consensus between all Congolese in this crucial phase of the country's history," he added.

In this regard, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General reiterates his availability to continue to pursue his good offices efforts in support of the full and faithful implementation of the 31 December Agreement as mandated under UN Security Council Resolution 2348, and to work with all national stakeholders and regional and international partners to achieve this goal.