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Ghanaian peacekeepers offer free medical care in south Lebanon

The Ghanaian Battalion in Lebanon recently organized another medical and dental care day in south Lebanon, this time in Ramia.

The Battalion previously provided medical care to the nearby village of Marwahin, and has consistently opened its Level One Hospital and other Company Aid Posts to local residents.

Its medical team, led by the Medical Officer Captain Daniel Assaki Ndago and Dentist Captain Cudjoe Diaba, provided care to several members of the communities, including women and children.

The medical officer indicated that most of the medical cases were respiratory tract infections due to change in weather, while other conditions were referred to the Level One Hospital located at the Battalion Headquarters in Al Qawzah.

Captain Ndago noted that the medical support is part of the activities to provide assistance to the members of the communities hosting the UNIFIL peacekeeping mission.