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Nepalese peacekeepers organize first-aid training with LAF

A team of medical professionals of UNIFIL’s Nepalese Battalion (NEPBATT) carried out a four-day long training on first aid with members of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and fellow peacekeepers at their main base in Meiss ej Jabal, south Lebanon, last week.

The “Joint First Aid Kit Training” – supervised entirely by NEPBATT medical team in close coordination with the training branch of UNIFIL’s Sector East Headquarters – covered topics from basic first aid skills to its usage in various combat situations. A total of 25 LAF personnel participated in the training.

The training exercise sought to enhance the cooperation and coordination between Sector East Units (Indonesian Battalion, Kazakh Company, Military Police Unit and Spanish Battalion) and the LAF.

NEPBATT Commander Lt. Col. Rajendra Pant was present in both opening and closing ceremonies of the training.

Between their core peacekeeping duties, UNIFIL peacekeepers regularly carry out various activities in support of the host communities, which – together with their operational activities – have helped keep calm in the Mission’s area of operation for nearly 13 years.