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New batch of Korean peacekeepers arrives

UNIFIL’s Korean Contingent got a new batch of peacekeepers this week, with the outgoing Commander Colonel Jin Chul Ho handing over the command of the Republic of Korea Battalion (ROKBATT) to Colonel Goo Seok Mo on Monday (27 August).

About 300 dignitaries, including UNIFIL’s Sector West Commander Brigadier General Paolo Fabri, Korean Ambassador to Lebanon Lee Young Man, representatives of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), UNIFIL officials and local leaders, attended the transfer of authority ceremony.

The newly arrived 21st Korean Contingent will continue with various operational activities including surveillance and reconnaissance missions, local support projects, cooperation with the LAF, and regular civil-military cooperation (CIMIC) projects such as medical assistance and Taekwondo classes.

With the current strength of more than 330 peacekeepers, the Korean contingent to UNIFIL is the Korean Armed Forces’ longest foreign deployed unit. So far, some 7,000 soldiers have served with UNIFIL in furthering peace and stability in south Lebanon.