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Panawur and Panaguong in Greater Lakes restore peace after 15 years of hostilities

The Panawur and Panaguong sections of Duony County in Gok have signed an agreement committing themselves to ceasing hostilities, bringing an end to 15 years of attacks and revenge killings. 

The agreement was endorsed on Thursday by community leaders, county and state authorities and witnessed by a large audience in Cueibet town. Chiefs and intellectuals were spotted in the rejoicing crowd, with Victoria Amal, a local woman who partook in the celebrations explaining the significance of the event.

“These people you see gathered here used to fight and kill themselves, but today that is not the case”, she said.

The peace dialogue between the Panawur and Panaguong began late last year with support from the Civil Affairs Division of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan, which assured those in attendance that the entire UN family will continue to support local communities both in terms of peace and security and with service delivery.

Duony County Commissioner Mr. Abraham Gop Achien was as ecstatic as an ecstatic County Commissioner is ever likely to be seen.

“Today the Panawur and Panaguong communities, as you can read from their faces, have accepted peace, and therefore Duony is in peace,” Mr. Achien beamed.

Chol Meen, a young man in the jubilant multitude of citizens, hoped that the peace established shall prevail.

“I am appreciating efforts exerted by Panawur and Panaguong to embrace peace and am also encouraging them not to fight again,” he said.

Kongor Deng Kongor, Deputy Governor in Gok, pragmatically commented that peace will enable service delivery in the previously conflict-ridden areas, before hailing the power of communal love.

“Peace is unity, love, development and progress. Today we have witnessed communities of Panawur and Panaguong embracing each other.”

Some good citizens of Cueibet may have attended the ceremony of signing the agreement to cease hostilities in order to watch a football game as well. Teams consisting of players from the Panawur and Panaguong communities respectively peacefully battled it out on the field.

On a day when everyone was a winner, a draw might have been the ideal result, but as it happened, and possibly because of its name befitting the occasion, Duony United FC scored more goals than their opponents, Duony White Star FC.

Little did that matter, as a greater, common goal had been achieved.