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Press releases

6 Jul 2017
Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix talks about why the 2017 Chiefs of Defence Conference is crucial for both the UN and Member States as peacekeeping adapts to new challenges.
6 Jul 2017 | UN Headquarters, New York
Distinguished Chiefs of Defence, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,
21 Jun 2017
Briefing by Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, on Sudan and South Sudan.
2 Jun 2017
Remarks by Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, at the event entitled “Women Leaders Forum for Africa’s Transformation and Launch of the African Women Leaders Network”. 
29 May 2017 | UN Headquarters, New York
Watch English on webtv.un.org: For nearly 70 years, UN peacekeeping has proven to be one of the international community’s most effective investments in peace, security and prosperity.    Demand for UN peacekeepers has risen steadily over the years, and deployment is now near an all-time high. Peacekeeping has had a positive impact on the lives of millions of people around the world.
24 May 2017
Remarks by Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, at the Dag Hammarskjöld Medal Ceremony - International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers 2017.
24 May 2017 | UN Headquarters, New York
Watch the video on webtv.un.org: We are here today to honour the 117 men and woman from 43 countries who lost their lives last year serving under the United Nations flag. The medal we confer at today’s ceremony is named after my predecessor, Dag Hammarskjöld, who lost his life in the cause of peace, like the recipients of this medal.   Those we honour today died while protecting the world’s most vulnerable people and supporting countries in making the difficult transition from conflict to peace. 
24 May 2017 | UN Headquarters, New York
Watch the video on webtv.un.org: It is my great honour to lay a wreath here today to honour the brave women and men who have lost their lives while serving under the UN Flag. As Jean-Pierre Lacroix has said, last year, 117 military, police and civilian peacekeepers from 43 countries have died in service. This means that, since 1948, more than 3,500 peacekeepers have given their lives to rescue other lives. And please join me in a moment of silence as we remember them. Thank you very much.
24 May 2017 | UN Headquarters, New York
[Bilingual, as prepared for delivery] Excellencies,  Ladies and Gentlemen,  We are here today to focus attention on Mali and how we can together best ensure effective support.  I would like to express my particular appreciation to all countries whose troops serve in Mali, and all those who have been supporting Mali and MINUSMA in other ways.  I particularly thank the Member States that announced their intentions to make pledges yesterday, and ask them to do their utmost to ensure swift deployment.
23 May 2017
Briefing by Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations during the 7947th meeting of the Security Council on United Nations peacekeeping operations.