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Press releases

20 Oct 2016
Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations  Statement to the Fourth Committee  3pm, 20 October 2016  Ladies and gentlemen,  State of peacekeeping in 2011.
22 Sep 2016 | UN Headquarters, New York
Thank you for being here today to discuss the critical situation in South Sudan. For years, South Sudan struggled to gain their independence.  Now it is struggling for survival.   Rarely have such high hopes been squandered so quickly.  Time and again, the country’s leaders have resorted to weapons and identity politics to resolve their differences. The children, women and men of South Sudan are paying with their lives. 
16 Sep 2016 | UN Headquarters, New York
691251-ki-moon.jpg Good morning and thank you for joining us for this Peace Bell Ceremony today.
28 Jul 2016 | UN Headquarters, New York
Peacebuilding is at the core of the United Nations’ activities in conflict-affected countries throughout the world. The recent historic resolutions adopted by the General Assembly and this Council emphasize that sustaining peace is a shared responsibility of Governments, national stakeholders and the United Nations. Peace in Africa is a top priority. As we meet, South Sudan remains precariously poised on the brink of an abyss. The promises of the new State for peace, justice and opportunity have been squandered.
11 Jul 2016 | UN Headquarters, New York
685061banpresser.jpg Ladies and Gentlemen,
10 Jul 2016 | UN Headquarters, New York
 am shocked and appalled by the heavy fighting that is currently taking place in Juba. I strongly urge President Kiir and First Vice-President Riek Machar to do everything within their power to de-escalate the hostilities immediately and to order their respective forces to disengage and withdraw to their bases. This senseless violence is unacceptable and has the potential of reversing the progress made so far in the peace process.
8 Jul 2016 | UN Headquarters, New York
I am deeply alarmed by the ongoing fighting in Juba between soldiers of the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) and the SPLA in Opposition. This outbreak of hostilities in the capital, on the eve of the country's fifth anniversary of independence, is yet another illustration of the parties’ lack of serious commitment to the peace process and represents a new betrayal of the people of South Sudan, who have suffered from unfathomable atrocities since December 2013.
19 May 2016 | UN Headquarters, New York
Today we join together in this solemn ceremony to honour the memory of the 129 men and woman who lost their lives last year while serving under the United Nations flag. These brave personnel came from 50 countries. They were international and national. They were military and police. They were civilians and UN Volunteers. They served in different jobs – but they held fast to the same universal values. Some were killed in malicious attacks. Others died in accidents. Still others fell to disease. They were all heroes and heroines who we will never forget.
19 May 2016 | UN Headquarters, New York
We are here on a historic occasion: the inaugural Captain Mbaye Diagne Medal ceremony. I am pleased to see so many representatives of Member States and UN staff, including the Force Commanders of all of our peacekeeping operations. Thank you for your participation and commitment. During nearly 70 years of UN peacekeeping, more than one million men and women have deployed under our blue flag. The overwhelming majority served with great distinction and honour.
19 May 2016 | UN Headquarters, New York
Today, we gather at this memorial site to lay a wreath to honour the brave men and women who died while serving under the United Nations Flag. Last year, 129 peacekeepers from 50 countries lost their lives due to malicious acts, accidents and disease. It was the 12th time in the last 13 years that more than 100 Blue Helmets fell in one year. The tragic total since 1948 is nearly 3,500. Please join me in a moment of silence in tribute to their bravery. Thank you.