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Residents in Alur County welcome handover of renovated primary school

All smiles (behind face masks) as an UNMISS-funded renovation of a primary school is handed over to residents in Alur County.

Citizens in Alur County in Western Bahr el Ghazal are positively jubilant: funds from the United Nations Mission in South Sudan have been used to renovate their Erenayo Primary School, saving many a pupil a difficult commute to schools in faraway Mapel.

“We have lacked good education facilities for our children since the destruction caused by the armed conflict here in 2016. This is a blessing, it will reduce the high rate of pupils dropping out of school,” says Mary Akel Akat, Chairperson of the local association for parents and teachers.

As one of the peacekeeping mission’s Quick Impact Projects, four classrooms have been thoroughly refurbished, and a brand new one has been constructed by implementing partner Ngo Bari, a local women’s association. A storage room and the headmaster’s office have also enjoyed much-needed improvements.

 “These are the sort of essential services that we need to provide to our people. Where there is education there is hope and future. This structure might appear small, but it symbolizes something truly great,” said a grateful Pasquale Madut, Alur County’s Executive Director, who urged local communities to work together to keep the new facilities in good shape.

Thomas Bal Bol, a community leader, assured everyone present at the handover ceremony that this will be the case.

“We understand that we must do our part to guarantee that the buildings are kept clean and functional. We will do everything to make this work,” he said.

Henry Sambai, a representative of the UN peacekeeping mission, reiterated that the people of South Sudan can continue to count on the support of the world body.

“Our aim is to do everything we can to facilitate the swift delivery of education to children living here. We have noted that the number of girls who have registered for school is big, which is great news,” he said.