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Simulation on volcanic eruption in Goma

Goma, July 3rd, 2017 - The North Kivu Civil Protection Service has organized a simulation exercise involving about 2, 000 families and constituting over 11, 000 persons on Monday 03 of July in Goma to evacuate the population in the event of a volcanic eruption of the two volcanoes of Nyiragongo and Nyamuligira .

This simulation exercise is part of the assessment of the contingency plan developed and adopted by the government at the national level.  It was executed with the support of MONUSCO, the World Bank, OCHA, WFP and government.

As early as 6am Goma time ,the selected population including traditional chiefs/households  drawn from Magengo, Turunga and Munigi began trecking from their residential areas  to the Stade Affia in Goma town with their families who included pregnant women, children, babies  carrying with them household property like matresses, sleeping mats, pots plates, water and many more.

After walking for over 5km to the Affia Stadium in Goma, this population was received by the Red Cross .Those who were tired or had difficulties in walking to the end of their journey were assisted on stretchers and administered some first aid by the Red-cross.

Upon their arrival at the stadium, they were registered by the Red Cross and government’s Civil Protection Unit(Protection Civiles).

They were allocated some tents in sitting area erected by the government and the World Food Program (WFP) and later served with bread, soft drinks and water.

The Vice Governor of North Kivu Feller LUTAHICHIRWA who later visited the tents in Stade Affia lauded the population for their calm and participation in the exercise which he said was meant to correct any errors in the event of eruption and to make them react adequately.

He added that the contingence plan involved everybody living in Goma, its environment and neighbors and even those who are not permanent residents like UN Missions and Agencies, tourists and other foreigners in the province.

The Vice Governor once again expressed gratitude to MONUSCO, the World Bank, UN OCHA, WFP, American Bar Association (ABA), Journalists and the population for the success of the exercise.  He also acknowledged the presence of  South Kivu and the Civil Protection Service of Rwanda.

The Volcanic Observatory Service Goma(OVG) assured journalists and the population who were still doubting the reason behind the simulation exercise that there was no eruption as of now but an exercise in preparation of an eventuality.

MONUSCO Police (UNPOL), Formed Police Units (FPU), the Civil Affairs and Public Information Sections and the Congolese National Police were on hand to ensure the success of the Simulation.

It should be noted however, that the exercise also encountered some hitches with the Siren which sound did not really alert the population because of the very low sound level.

Martha Biongo/PIO Goma