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UNFICYP bids farewell to Senior Police Advisor at Medal Parade

NICOSIA, 20 October 2017 – The UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) held its bi-annual UNPOL Medal Parade on 20 October, with UN Police personnel receiving UN medals in the service of peace. It was also the last Medal Parade with Col. Andrii Sachavo (Ukraine) at the helm of UNPOL.

UNPOL has been an integral part of this Mission since its establishment in 1964, and is crucial to the effective implementation of our mandate. UNPOL contributes to the maintenance and restoration of law and order in the buffer zone and cooperates with UNFICYP’s Military and the Civil Affairs components regarding civilian activity in the buffer zone, humanitarian matters and assisting a return to normal conditions within the buffer zone.

“To our medal recipients today, I want to say thank you. Yours is not an easy task, and has been even more challenging recently, with more demonstrations than usual in the buffer zone in relation to the political negotiations,” the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) in Cyprus and Head of UNFICYP, Ms. Elizabeth Spehar, said at the event. “We are grateful for your continued professionalism, even as UNPOL’s responsibilities have surged.”

Bidding farewell to Col. Sachavo at the ceremony, attended by a number of Ambassadors, Cypriot officials and members of the UN family, SRSG Spehar thanked him for his “competent leadership, strong organizational skills and a high sense of dedication to duty”.

“Andrii, I would like to personally thank you for your significant contribution to UNFICYP and to peace in Cyprus, and to wish you the very best as you return to Ukraine,” she added. “I have no doubt you will continue to use your experience and professionalism to make positive contributions, be they in the national or international context. I know that I speak for many in the Mission when I say that you will be dearly missed.”

In his remarks, Col. Sachavo thanked the UN for the opportunity to serve the UN and the cause of peace in Cyprus.

Col. Sachavo first joined UNFICYP as a Civil Affairs Police Liaison Officer, before briefly returning to his native Ukraine in 2012 and rejoining the Mission later that same year as Deputy Senior Police Advisor. In November 2014, he took up the position of Senior Police Advisor, a position he has held for the last three years.

Col. Sachavo will be replaced by Ms. Ann-Kristin Kvilekval of Norway, who has been selected as the next Senior Police Advisor in UNFICYP, and begins her tenure on 1 November 2017.