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UNMISS support to human rights monitoring and upholding the justice system in Jonglei receives appreciation

Quick Impact Projects are low-cost interventions by UNMISS that address urgent public needs. In Jonglei, the construction of an office facility for legal professionals by the UN Peacekeeping mission has led to appreciation by all local stakeholders, plus given rule of law a boost. Photo by David Awuou/UNMISS

JONGLEI – For the most part legal professionals in Jonglei, have been setting up ad hoc ‘offices’ under trees, to deliver necessary services to community members.

However, this changed when the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), handed over a newly constructed facility to these committed women and men who have dedicated their lives to ensuring that citizens have full access to justice.

According to Deng Kuot Deng Machar, Head, State Legal Administration, in Jonglei, the UN Peacekeeping mission’s assistance doesn’t stop at providing office space.

“Thanks to UNMISS, we have begun to overcome our challenges and contribute fully to monitoring, investigating and reporting on human rights violations across Jonglei,” he revealed.

“This is especially true in remote areas where UNMISS has become the eyes and ears for public prosecutors,” added Mr. Machar. “We lack the capacity to consistently visit these faraway counties but our partners from the UN Peacekeeping mission help us ensure that voices that would normally be unheard, issues that would normally never see the light of the day are brought to our attention and reparations can be made,” he continued.

Mr. Machar also extended his appreciation to the grassroots-level outreach and education consistently undertaken by the mission’s Human Rights Division.

“Upholding human rights is a collective responsibility,” he stated. “Our partners for peace, UNMISS, have raised awareness among communities in far-flung counties of the need to report any violations of their rights; they have brought such violations to our attention and have built capacities of local law enforcement and prisons officials,” he continued. “Such efforts are invaluable if all South Sudanese are to look forward to a peaceful, prosperous future.”

For Ayuen Gai, a legal counsel from Bor, the new office premises have made his job easier.

“The building gives us an official space to listen to people’s issues, give them appropriate advice and ensure that justice is meted out,” he said. “Though we still have outstanding issues such as ensuring proper filing and security for legal records, the office space is a step in the right direction,” he added.

The building was constructed under the mission’s Quick Impact Projects programme, which seeks to address urgent public needs.