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With UNIFIL's support, Marjayoun public school gets science laboratory

A public school in Marjayoun in south-eastern Lebanon got a science laboratory last week with funding support from UNIFIL’s Quick Impact Project (QIP).

The $9,000-project, inaugurated amidst a ceremony on 4 April, benefits 227 students of the school, including eight from Syria, three from Egypt and one from Iraq.

UNIFIL Spanish Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel David Cuesta Vallina and the School Director Haifa Ghayth, along with representatives of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), local authorities, UNIFIL Civil Affairs and fellow UNIFIL peacekeepers, attended the opening ceremony.

In her remarks, Ms. Ghayth said the new laboratory will make the school better equipped and “will help impart better knowledge to the students.”

Lt. Col. Vallina lauded the excellent cooperation between UNIFIL peacekeepers and the local authorities and the host communities.

“The future of Lebanon is in the hands of young students and imparting good education to them will help with the development of Lebanon,” he added.

Between their core peacekeeping duties, UNIFIL peacekeepers regularly carry out various activities in support of the host communities, which – together with their operational activities – have helped keep calm in the Mission’s area of operation for nearly 13 years.

UNIFIL QIPs are small-scale, rapidly implementable projects which are intended to address some of the most pressing needs of the population and support local authorities while strengthening links between UNIFIL and local communities.